Monday, November 8, 2010

Marker Demo - Chiffon

Step 1:
With your lighter shade (25% Gray) apply your color from the waist to the hem, radiating in a in a sunburst pattern. You will notice that the overlapped will shade automatically making dark valleys and leaving light peaks. Make sure your strokes are smooth and rounded to show the softness of chiffon.

Step 2:
With your darker shade (50% Gray) apply your color from the waist to the hem, leaving plenty of the lighter shade showing. Make sure your strokes are smooth and rounded.

Step 3:
With your black marker create shadow of the black chamise undergarment. Make sure not to extend the black to the outside edge of the skirt. Leaving the this border of grays accentuates the sheerness of chiffon. Keep your strokes are smooth and rounded.

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